
…it’s 7.52pm and everything should be quite peaceful and quiet. HOWEVER, Izzy is screaming and Im trying to ignore the fact that she’s SCREAMING.

We are staying with our best friends in the midlands. Their house is in an idyllic farm house overlooking beautiful countryside. We have good company, good food and good booze. However, all I can think about is the fact that my baby girl is screaming. Not whimpering, not grizzling, just SCREAMING AT THE TOP OF HER TINY LUNGS!

I have to be honest, I’m very fed up. I want to relax with my bezzies. I do not want to be doing controlled crying before she’s even gone to sleep! Izzy, as fabulous as she is, just needs to get a grip, because I am actually on the verge of losing my mind. Go to sleep kid!! Right, time to shush, I’ll be back…

So, obv, she’s still screaming. My hub and I have been very consistent and persistent with the controlled crying over the past 2 Months and I know that we’ve done well, as she’s at last sleeping until 5.15am (God give me strength).

I find this whole thing thoroughly depressing if I’m honest. It’s not as if I don’t have anything else to do, I have 2 other children to look after, a husband to cook for and a house to clean. My God, did I ever dream of such heights?! I’m a modern woman for God’s sake!

Ok, deep breath. You know what? At this moment, when I’m here, struggling to cope with my baby screaming and crying, I want to say a big, well done, to all the mums out there who are holding on to their sanity by a thin thread. You are not alone! I’m standing on the precipice of sanity with you and we CAN get through this moment. This moment WILL pass and they WILL stop crying. We CAN cope. We LOVE our kids and life IS really good. Big deep breath lovely mums and dads out there, be calm and carry on. This time will pass, these years will pass and then they’ll be gone, without a backward glance. Blimey, I’m even more depressed than I was before.

Christmas Turkey Pesto Surprise!

Ok, I don’t want to torture you with anticipation so, the surprise is cream! We should all have the following in the fridge and larder as its Boxing Day;

Cooked turkey
Pesto (come on, surely you have some pesto?!)
Pasta shapes (whatever shapes you fancy)
Single Cream (probably left over from Christmas Day because everyone went for the brandy cream instead.)
Bit of oil.

Put pasta on to boil
Re-heat the turkey in the frying pan with a little oil
Add a heaped teaspoon of pesto to the turkey.
Pour in some cream when you have 4 more mins left on your pasta, so that the consistency is a good sauce-like consistency (I know, I’m a very technical chef).
When pasta is boiled just mix in with the turkey sauce.

Mmm tasty. The children might even eat it…


A Review of Good Night Bunny Fabric Book by Oskar and Ellen

Oskar & Ellen Interactive Books

One of my best friends got this book for my eldest daughter for her first birthday, she loved it then and she still loves it now. It comes with a gorgeous little squeaky bunny who you dress, undress, bath, play with, read to and put to bed. It’s fantastic for helping develop fine motor skills and is generally just great for growing imaginations. This book would make a lovely gift and they also have a boys version which is just as cute by all accounts. Mine has been loved so much that the bedding on the front page is coming apart and one of the toys has disappeared, surely a sign of a greatly loved book!

It’s pretty expensive, the cheapest I could find it on the net is £28.99  from (Lucy you’re very naughty!) but for a special occasion or if you’re just feeling flush, then it’s a gift that’ll just keep giving!

Today The Kids are Wearing…

Izzy wears her Maxomorra pink velour trousers from and her Smafolk top that I picked up (new!) from eBay.


Today Sam wears a Molo eagle t-shirt from and Zara Kid’s lined cargo pants with an elasticated waist, soooo comfy!

Today Maisie wears a long sleeved t-shirt from Zara Kids and pale pink skinny jeans from Gap Kids.

Wouldn’t it be lovely to have something like this in Cambridge? Much better than coffee in Starbucks!

A (Hard) Working Mum

Hey mamacitas! {And papas!}

As you all know, I am working on a business plan for a company that I want to start. I have named it Pure Blend Organics because my main goal is to sell organic steamed/roasted baby food that is cooked and bottled on the premises. I want to help other mothers (or fathers) with feeding the most nutritious foods available to their little ones. Not only will this store be a one stop shop for baby food, but I will also have a cafe with comfy couches and play areas for mums (or dads) to meet with friends, relax, and enjoy themselves. My customers will be able to preorder their food for pickup at a certain time, or they can simply come in, order, and enjoy a coffee or tea while shopping through select books, DVD’s, and organic apparel. I will also be offering book readings (children’s books)…

View original post 93 more words

And so this is Christmas… Well almost anyway.

Well so far we’re having a lovely Christmas. The hubster is home with us until January 2nd, so I almost feel like a lady of leisure! Here I am, lounging around, alone in bed with my iPad, without having to push crazed children, who are desperate to play the “dinosaur game” (darn you to heck dinosaur game!) away from my screen. Bliss. A cup of tea would probably complete my joy, but hey let’s not get greedy.

So today we’re off to church for the nativity service where all the kids and any sporting parents, can dress up as an angel, a shepherd or a king. The only one in our family getting dressed up is Maisie and I’m not entirely sure she’s going to comply. You see, I’ve made her an angel costume. I say “made”, what I mean is, “cobbled together”, some old net curtains and a bit of tinsel. Someone has assured me that going old school and making a costume is much better than simply buying one from Sainsburys, but I’m not convinced. I think as it stands currently, it looks like a sort of lacy, make do and mend, toga. Even if you squint whilst looking out the side of your eye it’s pretty rubbish, but hey ho, no one’s going to be looking at my kid anyway, they’ll be looking at their own, thinking how cute they look, or fuming because they’ve refused to wear the costume that Mummy spent hours creating, so I’ll probably get away with it.

After that, who, knows? Maybe we’ll make mince pies, maybe we’ll play grandmothers footsteps? Maybe we’ll put the baby down for a nap and stick the kids in front of the telly for some peace and quiet! What I do know is that there’ll be 2 of us doing it for almost 2 weeks and that really is bliss. I love Christmas.

Review of Polar Gear Booster Seat

Polar Gear Booster Seat
This booster seat is sooooo useful. You can get it on Amazon for about £17 so it’s not hugely expensive. Isabelle has decided she’s much too grown up to sit in a regular high chair so we dusted off this portable booster seat which still keeps her strapped in but allows her to feel like she’s a big girl. We actually mainly use it as a permanent fixture at our dinner table but take it away with us too. Ours doesn’t look like the picture because it’s encrusted with Cheerios and various splashes of yoghurt and/or sauces. Also our chair isn’t a straight high back chair but it still manages to work just fine.

Just a quick update (13th March 2013), I thought those considering buying this would like to have a look at how ours currently looks. Be warned, it ain’t purdy…
