2013 in review

The WordPress.com stats helper monkeys prepared a 2013 annual report for this blog.

Here’s an excerpt:

The concert hall at the Sydney Opera House holds 2,700 people. This blog was viewed about 17,000 times in 2013. If it were a concert at Sydney Opera House, it would take about 6 sold-out performances for that many people to see it.

Click here to see the complete report.

A Review of Hotel Chocolat’s Mingles & Jingles Bag

I’m very excited. I love chocolate and have been given the opportunity to review some Christmassy Hotel Chocolat Choccies! The Mingles & Jingles Bag contains 35, individually wrapped chocolates in white, milk and caramel chocolate. This particular gift costs £21 and would make a really lovely present, especially for those difficult to buy for people.

I love the fact that they’re individually wrapped because as they’re slightly bigger than your average chocolate they can be used as stocking fillers, treasure hunt prizes or bauble fillers if you don’t want to give as a gift, (see below!)


The penguin chocolate is quite a dark, milk chocolate. It’s thick and chunky and incredibly moorish. I’ve never had Hotel Chocolat chocolate before and as a bit of a chocco connoisseur I have to say I’m very impressed.

The white chocolate bell is creamy and delicious with a lovely hint of vanilla, you can actually see the little vanilla dots in the chocolate.

The caramel chocolate Angel, is definitely my favourite though. It’s melt in your mouth scrumptious and unfortunately there were fewer of these than the other two!

I have to be honest, although we only opened the bag 5 hours ago the chocolates have nearly all gone. The kids were obviously fighting over them and even my husband found them hard to resist. All in all, these are fabulous Christmas chocolates, they’re a bit special and definitely worthy of a little splurge…

The Drama of a Sick Day

So today, Maisie is off school with a suspected ear infection. She’s wearing her most snugly and most pink clothes, she’s dosed up with Kids Ibuprofen and allowed to watch as much telly as she likes. The problem is… Isabelle. She’s being VERY 2 at the moment and taking great delight in punching, pulling, pushing and pinching her sister. She wants whatever Maisie has, she wants to sit wherever Maisie sits and she wants to do whatever Maisie is doing. This does not a restful day make.

Izzy has been wailing and screaming lots over the past week but her wails and screams are NOTHING in comparison to Maisie’s piercing shrieks of complaint. I’m basically living in fear of all the windows in the house shattering and the neighbours realising that my children are out of control and I’m an incompetent mother. Joy.

I’m managing to do my best patient and quiet talking but have a horrible feeling that it won’t be long until my inner harridan bursts forth. All I can say is Thank God for the Peppa Pig chanel. Did you know that even existed? Well it does and I think that it may well make this sick day just about bearable.
